Recall the datum in memory
This button, after a while the axis value manually transferring them or simple mathematical operations used to
return the old values. Axis value turned into before being changed.Bu işlem için önce bilginin geri çağırılacağı eksene
ait seçme butonuna basılır daha sonra “Rcall” butonuna basılır. Son olarak “ENT” butonuna basıldığında değer
çağırılmış olacaktır.
Sleep Mode
In sleep mode the screen indicators and buttons (except Hold) becomes disabled. When the screen is not used, it
would be blocked to intervene by 3. Persons. when Indicators and buttons are disabled, the process which incoming
signals from scales is continued.So if the system in sleep mode, changing the location of the bench table detects this
position of it transfers to new user.
Axis selection button is pressed, it opens a small window at
the bottom right, and procedures that can be followed
here. The last is equal to (=) or "ENT" button is pressed, the
result of the operation that saves the axis.
When press the axis selection button, the small
window at bottom right opens. "Rcall" button
pressure the previous value appears in this
window."ENT" button is pressed, this value is
transferred to the axis. In case of cancellation
of transfer value press “Esc” button instead of