Chapter 6 - Troubleshooting
ASUS GigaX 1024i+
1. Open the command prompt window.
2. Change to the directory where the auto-config file is located.
3. Use the command “
ftp <IP Address>
” to connect to the FTP server,
ex: “
4. Type the system’s user name.
5. Type the system’s password.
6. Use the command “
put <File Name>
” to upload auto-config file.
” must be included at the header of the file, and the file
name of the auto-config file must be “
”, ex: “
put config.
6.3.3 Backup system configurations by FTP
Make sure your PC and the switch
are in the same VLAN before you
use ftp function as well as the
other remote management tools.
The switch VLAN is shown in the
System-->IP setup
” page of the
WEB GUI or use “
net interface
” to display the VID by CLI.
1. Open the command prompt
2. Change to the directory that the system configurations file will be
3. Use the command “
ftp <IP Address>
” to connect to the switch IP
address as your FTP server IP, ex: “
4. Type the system’s user name.
5. Type the system’s password.
6. The default file name of the system configuration file is “
”. You
must use this file name to backup the system configuration. The file
can be renamed after downloading.
Figure 53. Backup system
configurations by FTP