Chapter 4 - Configuration Management
ASUS GigaX 1024i+
Click <
> to send the settings to the switch via the HTTP server. Click
> to refresh the settings. To save the configuration, go to the
page, then click <
>. Tagged VLAN
You can set up to 227 VLAN groups
and show VLAN group in this page.
There is a default VLAN created by
the switch. This feature prevents the
switch from malfunctions. You can
remove any existing VLAN except
the default VLAN.
You can assign the port to be either
a tagged port or an untagged port by
toggling the port button. There are
three types of button:
“U” type
: Untagged port, which will remove VLAN tags from the
transmitted packets.
“T” type
: All packets transmitted from this port will be tagged.
“blank” type
: This port is not a member of the VLAN group.
The other fields that you can configure are as follows:
: Select the existing VLAN to display or select
Add a new
to create a new VLAN group.
: the VLAN name.
: This field requires user to enter the VLAN ID when a new
VLAN is created.
Remove VLAN
: Remove an existing VLAN. This field disappears in
VLAN creation page.
Private VLAN
: Set this VLAN to be a Private VLAN(PVLAN). PVLAN
is to provide LAN security with the simplicity of VLAN configuration. The
system administrator can reduce the VLAN and IP consumption but
provide the same security to LAN. We cannot use default VLAN (VLAN 1)
as the PVLAN. In our system, the total number of PVLAN is four. Mirror-
to port cannot be a PVLAN member. Static Multicast cannot be a PVLAN.
There are two port types in a PVLAN: 1) Promiscuous Port and 2) Isolated
Promiscuous Port
: A PVLAN must and only can have one promiscuous
Figure 26. Tagged VLAN