ASTi Telestra 4 Training Manual (Ver. 1, Rev. F)
Copyright © 2010 Advanced Simulation Technology inc.
6.4. Radios
As the name suggests, radios are the simulated radio assets added to the
model by a developer when building a communications model.
Simulated radio components can be installed and used directly within
the ACE Studio model development environment or the user can use the
Radio Helper to auto build radio simulation sections of their communi-
cations models.
In the Radio Helper add the following components:
• Domain The Domain sets standard DIS or HLA parameters to
apply to the project for a specific exercise. See the “Domain Edi-
tor” section for details.
• Exercise ID - Set the Exercise ID (for example 15).
• Set the Site and App ID manually, or set the IDs in the Domain
• Entity & Radio - Set the entity and radio IDs. If you exclude the
entity ID the radio environment will assign a random, unique number for the entity ID of the
radio. Ex: ‘DIS:3.4’ will use 3 as the radio's entity and 4 as the radio ID.
• Fill - This sets the radio parameters that are set up in the Comm Plan. Note if using the
default fill be sure to set a proper frequency.
• The Crypto Library and World Position are Optional. ‘