V4.3 10/09/19
Page 59 of 143
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Item Permissions
To grant a user access to an item simply put a ‘Y’ in the corresponding column. You can also assign a description
to an item by double clicking above the desired position and entering a description of your choice.
When finished save the Spreadsheet onto a USB memory stick ready for importing to the Traka Touch system.
Overwriting Users – When you enter a user’s details into the Spreadsheet and that user already exists in the system,
the user credentials from the Spreadsheet will be taken as the most recent edits and will overwrite the systems
Duplicate Keypad ID’s – If a user being imported has the same Keypad ID as a user that already exists in the system,
the import will fail. The user that already exists in the system will be kept and the attempted import user will be rejected.