V4.3 10/09/19
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The Emergency Open option will be a standard feature on all Traka Touch Locker systems using Traka Touch v2.3 and
above with Traka Web v3.3 and above. It will allow a user with the option enabled on their profile to open all the doors
on a Locker system. This will be achieved in sequential order and as quickly as possible by simply pressing the Emergency
icon- on the Traka Touch screen.
The option can be enabled on a user by user basis. The Emergency Open option will open all doors regardless of the
users’ assigned access rights or any access schedules that may have been allocated to the user and/or item.
Any other cost options such as Notes Logging or Reason Logging will be overridden and will not be displayed. Curfew
functionality will remain but no prompts will be made available.
Should the Emergency Open option be activated and deactivated at any time, an event will be recorded to show any
activity. These events may also have alarm relays programmed against them or the event may be used to trigger an
email notification.
Whilst the Emergency Open option is activated and 1 or more doors remain open, the configured auto-logout timeout
will not apply. All the doors must be closed before the user is logged out.
For more information on email notifications and enabling the Emergency Open option in Traka Web, please refer to
UD0018 – Traka Web User Guide.
With the Emergency Open option enabled, access the Traka Touch system using keypad, fingerprint or card. You will
then be presented with the following screen:
Next, select the Emergency icon- on the Touch screen. All the doors to the Locker system will now open
As the doors are opening, a progress bar will display the door count during the process. A flashing Emergency Open
message will also be displayed at the top of the screen to show that the Emergency Open option has activated.