V4.3 10/09/19
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An Enrolment ID is a number assigned to each user to enable them to enrol their fingerprints the first/next time they
access the system. This allows the User to enrol without the need to have an Admin User present. The Enrolment ID has
to be entered into the correct field in the User Import Spreadsheet. For more information on Exporting and Importing
users please refer to the ‘Exporting and Importing’ section. It is possible to force a single finger enrolment or 2 finger
enrolments; this choice is controlled by the ‘configuration file’ loaded into the Touch unit – if you wish to swap from
single finger to 2 finger enrolments, contact Traka for a new ‘configuration file’.
Export the User spreadsheet and enter an Enrolment ID into the appropriate filed for each user you wish to
enrol. The maximum length allowed for the Enrolment ID is 30 characters.
Import the User spreadsheet to the Traka Touch system.
From the login screen the user must select the Enrol button.
The user can now enter their assigned Enrolment ID and press (enter).
Follow the on screen instructions to take 3 captures of the users’ fingerprint. This process is the same as shown
in the previous section ‘Manual Enrolment by Admin’.