Stop-Time Measuring System
Version 3.0.0
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3 Installation and initial operation
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The NMG2 perform safety-related measurements of power driven machinery like presses, shears, welders,
riveters and robots. In accordance with national and international safety standards machines with dangerous
movements have to be equipped with protection devices. The improper placement of a protection device
(2-hand control, safety light curtain and so on) will result in the potential for injury of the operator. With the
NMG2 all the important measurement values such as stop-time, stop-distance and velocity are provided to
calculate the minimum safety distance. The safety distance is defined in national and international standards
EN ISO 13855 (EN999). To ensure maximum safety the stop-time measurements have to be repeated
periodically (6 months).
The measuring cable of the posiwire
Position Sensor will be connected to the moving part of the machine
with the magnetic clamp or a fixing screw. The Sensor sends an incremental pulse signal to the
microprocessor controlled counter. The stop position can be selected by a digital encoder. The operator will
adjust the stop position of the measurement to the position of max. velocity of the moving part of the
To determine this max. velocity NMG2 provides the following measurement functions:
Measurement of the max. velocity within the complete movement
Measurement of the velocity at the stop position
Measurement of the position of the max. velocity
If the position signal passes through the determined stop position in the selected direction a galvanic isolated
contact will cause the stop of the machine and the stop-time measurement will be started. The position
measurement values will be recorded until the machine has stopped completely. The two displays of the
measuring device will show the measurement values of stop-time and distance. By pressing a button the
velocity at the stop position can be displayed. A measurement protocol will be printed. The NMG2 electronics
ensures that the measurement is started only at the adjusted stop position and only in the selected direction
of motion.
The NMG2 can be used as a comfortable position and velocity measurement system in different
applications. The measurement values can be transmitted to a PC or a Laptop via the RS-232 interface and
processed with any software. Additional an actuator can be controlled to interrupt a safety light curtain, so
that it is not necessary to insert the relay contact into the machine circuit.
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Special Characteristics
Easy to use
Portable and solid equipment
Built-in matrix printer (option)
Built-in RS-232 interface
Fast set-up time
Traceability of measurement values
ISO9000 Calibration certificate
Adjustable stop point
Standstill detection down to v < 1 mm/s
Measurement of max. velocity
Measurement of velocity at stop point
Measurement of rotary tables
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