Stop-Time Measuring System
Version 3.0.0
Pos : 53 /Bedienungs anl eitungen/NM G2/O pti on Druc ker @ 6\ mod_1511260863877_78. doc x @ 49777 @ 2 @ 1
4.10 Option Printer
Printer paper, 1 roll
Printer ribbon, 1 piece
Ribbon and Paper Replacement
To change the paper roll or the ribbon cartridge the printer module must be
Make sure that the NMG2 is switched off.
1. Remove the front plate
Detach the knurled screws [20] and remove the front plate [19].
2. Replacement of the ribbon cartridge
To change the ribbon cartridge, push the edge of the old cartridge on the right-hand side, there´s written
PUSH and EJECT. The cartridge will come loose at the right-hand side and can be removed. Tighten the
ribbon of the new cartridge by turning the small wheel on the right-hand side of the cartridge in the direction
of the arrow. Lead now the ribbon cartridge across the paper. The paper must be between the textile ribbon
and the plastic bar. Be sure that the cartridge is engaged in the correct position.
3. Replacement of the paper roll
The housing is suitable for paper rolls of 38 mm diameter. Grip the bracket plate with the form feed key with
thumb and index finger.
Pull the printer module completely upward from the housing.
Remove the ribbon cartridge as described in step 2. Take the
spindle with the core of the empty roll and set the spindle into
the core of the new paper roll. Set the paper roll into the
housing in such way that the paper unwinds downward in the
back and let the strip of paper come out of the window to the
If necessary, cut off straight the end of the paper strip. The
end of the paper must be inserted from the bottom into the
designated slot at the printer unit until a noticeable resistance
appears. Now turn the rubber roller in the center of the unit
until the paper comes out of the printing mechanism approx.
5 cm. Install the ribbon cartridge as de-scribed in step 2. Now
push the printer unit back into the housing. Make sure that the
surface is plain, so a correct electrical connection is achieved.
4. Assembly of the Front Plate
Insert the end of the paper roll from the rear through the slot of the front plate. Fasten the front plate with the
knurled screws [20].