Stop-Time Measuring System
Version 3.0.0
Pos : 39 /Bedienungs anl eitungen/NM G2/Pr ot okoll e/Dr uc ker protokoll @ 6 \ mod_1511263097193_78. doc x @ 49826 @ 2 @ 1
4.5 Printer protocol
As an option the NMG2 can be equipped with a protocol printer. With the button PRINT ON [4] the printer
can be activated. After a test run the measurement data will be printed. It is possible to print the data after a
measurement or the same printout again by pressing the button [4]. Setting button [1] to ADJUST clears all
measurement data and a printer output is not possible any longer.
The button [21] causes the printer paper feed. During printing a paper feed is not possible. If the printer
output is started, the printing cannot be aborted.
Pos : 40 /Bedienungs anl eitungen/NM G2/Pr ot okoll e/N ac hlauf mess ung
– Einz el messung @ 6\mod_1511263186499_78.doc x @ 49832 @ @ 1
Protocol Stop Distance Measurement – Single Measurement
0. Protocol ID (can be set by the customer, see chapter 4.2 Input of a Protocol ID (machine number) on
page 17).
1. Adjusted measurement start position. At this point the contact will be released and the measurement will
be started.
2. A velocity value lower than indicated will be detected as standstill. This velocity can be programmed by
the manufacturer between 1 ... 10 mm/s. Thus, very slow machines can also be measured. Standard
adjustment ex-factory is 10 mm/s.
3. Adjusted measuring direction
4. Adjustment of relay contact
5. The measured stop time
6. The measured stop distance with a resolution of 0.1 mm
7. Velocity at start point
If the NMG measuring system detects a return movement or an oscillation when the machine is stopped, the
following values will be additionally calculated and printed in single measurement mode :
8. Time to final standstill
9. Position of the final standstill
10. Maximum position achieved in return direction
Pos : 41 / ########### Sei tenumbruch ################################### @ 0\ mod_1353584168894_0.doc x @ 336 @ @ 1