N U M E R I C A L O C / E F P R O T E C T I O N R E L AY AD R 1 4 1 C / 2 4 1 C
ASHIDA Electronics Pvt. Ltd.
Ref: Manual / ADR141C / 241C
Issue: 04D
Date : 10.07.2014
Relay Setting
3Io> C6 Delay = 99.5
Range 0.1 – 99.9s
By using the up arrow key (
+ /
) or the down arrow key
- /
) the desired
3Io>C6 Delay
can be selected. Range is
in between 0.1 – 99.9s in steps of 00.1s
Press the left arrow key (
) the relay will display as follows,
Save Settings?
Mode for save
any changes.
Press the left arrow key (
) the relay will save the changes
and the following message is display.
If changes made are
not to be saved
press LED
Reset or leave key pad untouched for 100Sec.
This window will flash for moment
The control will return to the main menu