TD 92816EN
17-July 2012 / Ver. B
Programming and Installation Manual
Care Phone
Emergency Alarm
There is a special staff alarm transmitter that generates an emergency alarm.
Reminder alarm
If no member of staff assists the care recipient or if they forget to mark the
present status a reminder alarm is generated. This function can be programmed.
Assistance Alarm
If a member of staff has marked the present status with the care recipient, an
assistance alarm is activated when the alarm transmitter or alarm button of the
care recipient is pressed.
This function must be switched on in the Care Phone.
Indicates that the staff came to the care recipient and pushed the present
Indicates that the staff who was in attendance, intends to leave the care
Through the hand device, Report, the staff can enter which work has been done
with the care recipient. The action alarm sends this information to the alarm
Door alarm
Special type of alarm for the connected door alarms.
Bed alarm
Special type of alarm for the connected bed alarm.
Carpet alarm
Special type of alarm for the connected carpet alarm.
Fall alarm
Special type of alarm for the connected fall detector.
Special type of alarm for the connected medical dosage device, Careousel 869.
Special type of alarm for the connected gas detector.
Special type of alarm for the connected flood detector.
Special type of alarm for the connected CO detector.