4.18. Remove
As the meeting presenter, you can remove attendees from the meeting. In the Attendees list,
right click the attendee’s name and choose “Remove this attendee”.
4.19. Change Language for SmartBridge UI
Each SmartBridge user can change the language of their SmartBridge user interface. Click the
“Tools” menu item then “Options” and select a language from the drop-down list.
Options dialog
4.20. Display
As the meeting presenter, you can display all transparent windows on your screen. Attendees
cannot see the host’s SmartBridge and its associated windows by default since we treat them as
transparent. Click the “Tools” menu item then “Options” and check “Show all windows on my
4.21. Auto-Uninstall
SmartBridge from Attendee Computers
As the meeting host, you can tell the system to automatically uninstall the SmartBridge client on
the attendee computers at the end of a meeting session. Click the “Tools” menu item then
“Options” and check “Remove SmartBridge from attendee computers at the end of sessions”.