DECA User Manual
May 22, 2015
Figure 5-2 the luminance of the LEDs is proportional to the duty cycle
Design Tools
Quartus II v15.0 64-bit
Demonstration Source Code
Project directory: Demonstrations\LedBreathe
Bit stream: DECA.sof
Demonstration Batch File
Demo batch file folder: Demonstrations\LedBreathe
Batch file: test.bat
FPGA configure file: DECA.sof
Demonstration Setup
Please make sure Quartus II and USB-Blaster II driver are installed on the host PC.
Connect the USB cable from the USB-Blaster II port (J10) on the DECA board to the host PC.
Power on the DECA board.
Execute the demo batch file “test.bat” under the folder
FPGA user LEDs should behave as ‘breathing”.