DECA User Manual
May 22, 2015
Demo batch file folder: Demonstrations/ DECA_socket_server /demo_batch/
Batch file: DECA_socket_server.bat
FPGA configure file: DECA_socket_server.sof
Application file folder: DECA_socket_server /demo_batch/
Application file: open_telnet.bat
Demonstration Setup
Please make sure Quartus II and USB-Blaster II driver are installed on the host PC.
Connect the USB cable from the USB-Blaster II port (J10) on the DECA board to the host PC.
Power on the DECA board.
Execute the demo batch file “DECA_socket_server.bat” under the folder Demonstrations/
deca_socket_server /demo_batch , then the IP address and port number are assigned as shown
below in
Figure 7-16
Figure 7-16 Simple Socket Server
To establish connection, start the telnet client session by executing open_telnet.bat file and
include the IP address assigned by the DHCP server-provided IP along with the port number as
shown below in
Figure 7-17