Armarac
MX800N4X
Series
Installation
Guide
v1.1
|
September
‐
Page
of
14.1.6
–Settings
page
The
settings
page
is
where
the
user
can
set
the
control
values
and
alert
thresholds;
Min
Fanspd
Temp
–
the
temperature
at
which
the
fans
will
spin
down
to
their
lowest
value
for
minimum
airflow.
Max
Fanspd
Temp
–
the
temperature
at
which
the
fans
will
spin
up
to
their
highest
value
for
maximum
cooling
effect.
Heater
On
Temp
–
the
temperature
at
which
the
Low
Ambient
Heater
(if
fitted)
will
turn
on.
Heater
Off
Temp
–
the
temperature
at
which
the
Low
Ambient
Heater
(if
fitted)
will
turn
off.
Humidity
Wet
–
the
percentage
of
max.
Humidity
at
which
an
alert
is
generated.
Humidity
Dry
–
the
percentage
of
min.
humidity
at
which
an
alert
is
generated.
Inlet
Max.
Temp
–
the
inlet
temperature
at
which
an
alert
is
generated.
Outlet
Max.
Temp
–
the
outlet
temperature
at
which
an
alert
is
generated.
Note:
Temp
values
can
be
entered
as
°F
if
the
“temp
display”
field
in
Device
Setup
has
been
set
to
°F