Armarac
MX800N4X
Series
Installation
Guide
v1.1
|
September
‐
Page
of
10.
Vertiblade
Screw
Adapters
Different
equipment
manufacturers
often
use
different
retention
screw
thread
sizes
to
hold
their
equipment
to
the
rack
kits.
The
Armarac
has
a
series
of
corresponding
server
Screw
Adapters
to
suit
each
type
of
thread
to
ensure
that
all
equipment
is
securely
fastened
to
its
Vertiblade.
Step
–
Determine
the
correct
thread
requirement
Choose
between
the
M4,
M5
(10/32)
and
M6
Vertiblade
screw
adapters
to
match
your
equipment
manufacturer’s
server
retention
screw
thread
size.
Step
–
Remove
the
current
thread
adapters
Using
a
diameter
2.5mm
hex
key
unscrew
the
set
screw
to
remove
the
existing
black
nylon
screw
adapter
on
both
sides
of
the
Vertiblade
mounting
system
and
lift
up
to
remove.
Step
–
Install
the
correct
thread
adapters
Insert
the
new
Screw
Adapter
in
to
the
top
of
the
Vertiblade
bracketing,
aligning
the
screw
recess
to
face
the
direction
of
the
set
screw.
Using
a
hex
key
tighten
the
set
screw
until
the
new
screw
adapter
is
firmly
held
in
place.