Armarac
MX800N4X
Series
Installation
Guide
v1.1
|
September
‐
Page
of
Section
–
Enclosure
Wall
Mounting
5.
Mounting
to
a
load
bearing
wall
(base
not
required)
Step
–
Separating
the
Chassis
from
the
doors
De
‐
box
your
Armarac.
Lift
out
Armarac
and
place
on
the
floor
(minimum
people
required
–
approximately
90kg/200lb).
Alternatively
cut
down
the
cardboard
packaging
to
expose
the
Armarac.
Locate
the
Armarac
Accessories
box
and
place
to
one
side.
Unlock
the
Armarac
doors.
All
keys
are
located
in
the
accessories
box
that
shipped
inside
the
Armarac
box.
unlock
the
doors
using
the
key
barrel
locks
located
on
the
front
of
the
Armarac.
use
the
manual
release
key
mechanism
on
the
bottom
of
the
chassis
to
release
the
doors.
Open
the
right
handside
door
and
carefully
disconnect
the
RJ12
control
cables
from
their
sockets
and
earth
ground
wires
(if
fitted).
Slide/lift
the
door
off
its
hinges
and
place
somewhere
out
of
the
way.
Repeat
the
process
for
the
left
handside
door.
You
should
now
have
the
Armarac
chassis
ready
to
mount
to
its
wall.