4 - Covering >> Using Arma-Chek D Covering
Covering Of Insulated Objects >> Using Arma-Chek D Covering
1. Determine the circumference of the Armafl ex insu-
lated T-branch.
2. Transfer the circumference measurement on the
Arma- Chek covering and mark the circumference
into 4 equal sections. Add an additional 50 mm over-
lap on one side of this section.
3. Measure the minimum height (a) of the insulated
T-branch. Transfer these height to the marked out
4. Measure the outer diameter of the insulated main
pipe. Take the half of this measurement (radius r )
with a pair of dividers, mark out 2 arcs round the inter
sections of the second and forth line touching the
termination point of (a). Take the same measurement
(radius r) and mark out three arcs around the inter
sections 1, 3 and 5 touching the fi rst two arcs. That
leads to joined arcs with a continuous line.
5. Add an additional 10 mm overlap to allow for ”feather-
ing“ on the master pattern. Cut the pattern out with a
pair of scissors.
1. Determine the circumference (U) of the Armafl ex in-
sulated offset angle, the maximum (a) and minimum
(b) height, and the Armafl ex insulated outer diameter
of the pipe (D) to which the offset angle connects.
2. Transfer the circumference (U) to the Arma-Chek D
covering material. Halve the circumference.
3. Mark the minimum height (b) of the offset angle on
the halving line and thus determine the termination
point B. Mark the maximum height (a) on each of the
side lines and thus determine the termination point
4. Draw a circle which stands vertically on point B and
only touches it at one point (note: if the halving line is
extended it runs through the centre of the circle). The
diameter of the circle is a quarter diameter of the
Armafl ex insulated diameter of the main pipe (D).
5. Add an overlap of 50 mm to one side.
6. Draw the jacket line by marking two arcs (radius = half
circumference) between a tangent of the circle stand-
ing on termination point B and the termination points
A (continue the arc into the 50 mm overlap).
7. When using the feathering technique it is necessary to
allow at least 10 mm parallel to the jacket line. Cut out
the pattern using a pair of scissors or craft knife.
D (19)