MAGB2 User Guide
V1.7 2021-10-01
All MAGB2 sensors are supplied with a built in earthing electrodes that are sufficient for all applications with
metal pipes and tanks. However on applications where all pipes and tanks are manufactured from plastic, it
is recommended that earthing rings are also installed to ensure the maximum resistance of the sensor to
earth is <1 ohm.
Sensor grounding with earthing rings:
2.3. Dry liner
Flowmeters with a Hard Rubber liner can show incorrect readings during the first 2-3 days after installation.
This is due to the fact that the time needed for transport and the time before installation is long enough for
the liner to dry out and thus it changes shape/size. This change, in effect, affects reading accuracy. Simply
be keeping the meter wet, this problem solve itself within 2-3 days and no other action is required at all.
Conductive (metal) pipe
Non-conductive (plastic, lined) pipe