Instructions For Use
5.4.1 Numeric Format
The numeric data screen increases the size of the numeric data and removes the traces. This is useful when
operators are not in direct attendance as the numbers can be seen from a distance.
The display is split into regions, its configuration is dependent on whatever sensors/probes are attached.
Value Region
FHR Monitoring
Maternal NIBP
MHR or Pulse rate
Audio can only be enabled on one channel at a time.
Touch and hold on any FHR or MHR region of the screen to select audio for that channel. A speaker symbol
will appear on the channel if audio is enabled.
To turn the audio off, touch the region displaying the speaker symbol.
Fetal Heart Rate Signal Confidence
The heart rate is depicted by a flashing heart symbol on the bottom right corner of each region. The color of
this heart denotes the HR confidence, it is not an indicator of signal strength.
Red - High
Amber - Moderate
Yellow - Low
If the heart symbol is displayed in outline only and no FHR is displayed, the Team3 cannot detect the fetal