USA MAV500/MKVI Service Manual
Bill Acceptor
GPT Bill Acceptor
9.1 Technical
9.1.1 Overview
The GPT Bill Acceptor and ancillary items Paper Roll: provide advanced solutions
for the entry, security, analysis, and accounting of bill currency. It communicates
with the Main Board via generic serial channel COM 1 (which is connected through
P13 on the Backplane).
The full system provides a range of features, including:
A bill acceptor for entry, sensing and acceptance of bill currency. The unit
incorporates a microcontroller, an operating system, RAM and ROM.
A stacker unit holds accepted bills in a highly secure environment. It is
electronically linked to the bill acceptor. A memory module within the stacker
stores identification, diagnostic, and accounting information.
The Bill Acceptor Cage Assembly houses the bill acceptor and stacker. The
assembly is located at the right-hand side of the cabinet. The stacker or bill
acceptor may be accessed by opening the belly panel door, without having to
open the Cabinet main door.
A unique number is available from a serialised, integrated circuit embedded
within the main cable connecting the bill acceptor to the host machine. The
number allows the tracking of stacker units for maintenance, accounting and
operational control.
Diagnostic and statistical data information are available through the RS-232
port of the bill acceptor when removed from the EGM. This is not accessible
from the EGM.
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