4. Rotate the idle speed screws
counterclockwise until all spring
tension is removed.
5. Loosen the jam nut securing each
throttle cable swivel adapter; then
rotate each swivel adapter clock-
wise until each piston valve bot-
toms in the piston valve bore.
6. In turn on each carburetor, place a
finger lightly against the side of
the piston valve; then rotate the
carburetor swivel adapter coun-
terclockwise until slight upward
movement of the valve is noted.
7. Check to make sure the valves
start to open at the exact same
moment by placing a thumb and
finger against the valves; then
lightly compress the throttle lever.
NOTE: If an individual piston
valve starts to open before
another, rotate the swivel adapter
on the valve which is lifting first
clockwise, just enough to syn-
chronize the valves. Recheck by
repeating steps 4-7.
8. With the piston valves synchro-
nized, tighten the swivel adapter
jam nuts securely. Slide the rub-
ber throttle cable caps down over
the swivel adapters.
NOTE: There must be free-play
in the throttle lever on all models.
9. In turn on each carburetor, place a
finger against the piston valve.
Rotate the idle speed screw clock-
wise until it contacts the valve.
10. Compress the throttle lever to the
full-open position; then rotate
each idle speed screw clockwise 2
complete turns. Release the throt-
tle lever.
NOTE: There must be 0.75-1.5
mm (0.030-0.060 in.) free-play
between the throttle lever and the
control housing.
11. At this point, there must be 0.75-
1.5 mm (0.030-0.060 in.) of cable
free-play gap in the throttle lever.
If there is no cable free-play in the
throttle lever, the throttle safety
switches will not function prop-
erly, and the engine will cut out in
the idle position.
Be sure to tighten the swivel
adapter jam nuts securely. If a
swivel adapter jam nut is not
tightened, the adjuster can rotate
out of the carburetor cap causing
the piston valve not to return to
the full-closed position.