4. Install the existing shim or a 1.6 mm shim on the
cover side of the ring gear; then place the assembled
gear case cover onto the gear case and secure with
three cap screws. Tighten evenly using a crisscross
5. Place the appropriate Backlash Measuring Tool into
the splines of the ring gear and install a dial indicator
making sure it contacts the gauge at a 90° angle and
on the index mark.
6. Zero the dial indicator; then while holding the pinion
stationary, rock the ring gear assembly forward and
back and record the backlash. Backlash must be
0.011-0.015 in. If backlash is within specifications,
proceed to Ring Gear End-Play. If backlash is not
within specifications, increase shim thickness to
increase backlash or decrease shim thickness to
decrease backlash.
NOTE: Higher backlash settings usually result in
quieter gear operation.
Ring Gear End-Play
After correcting backlash, ring gear end-play can be
adjusted. To adjust end-play, use the following proce-
1. Secure the gear case in a holding fixture with the
cover side up; then install a dial indicator contacting
the ring gear axle flange.