8. Remove the upper ball joint cap screws taking care
not to strip the threads on the ball joint shaft; then
using a rubber mallet, tap the end of the axle and free
it from the knuckle assembly.
9. Pull the steering knuckle away from the axle.
10. Support the axle to not allow it to drop or hang.
11. Remove the lower shock bolts. Account for the lock
nuts; then move the shocks aside and secure them
with a strap.
12. Remove the upper A-arm lock nuts and cap screws;
then remove the A-arms. Discard the lock nuts.
13. Remove and account for the A-arm brace.
14. Push the axle shaft firmly toward the differential to
release the internal lock; then while holding the axle
in, pull the CV cup from the differential.
NOTE: Keeping the axle level will aid in removal.
15. Using a T-30 torx wrench, remove the three screws
securing the front drive actuator to the gear case;
then remove the actuator.
16. Remove the lower differential mounting cap screw.
Account for a lock nut and washers.
17. Remove the upper differential mounting cap screws.
Account for the spacer.
The axle must be supported. If the axle is allowed to
drop or hang, damage to the inner CV joint may occur.
Do not attempt to use a slide hammer or differential/axle
damage will occur.