1. Install the output shaft into the crankcase making
sure the two gears, shim, washer, and nut are in the
correct order.
2. Install and tighten the output shaft flange nut to 59
ft-lb. Using a punch, peen the nut.
3. Apply a liberal amount of oil to the crankshaft
bearing. Using a propane torch, heat the bearing
until the oil begins to smoke; then slide the crank-
shaft assembly into place.
NOTE: If heating the bearing is not possible, the
crankshaft can be installed using a crankshaft
4. Rotate the crankshaft so the counterweight is
toward the rear of the engine. Install the crank bal-
ancer shaft.
5. Install the key in the crank balancer shaft; then
install the gear and aligning the timing marks,
slide the gear into place.
6. Align the shift cam fork slots with the shift fork
shaft locating boss and with a washer on each end,
install in the crankcase.