VP5000-DC/DC60, VP5000-DC/DC200-HL
About the manual
Last edited 2019-02-08
by Sonja Scheunert
8 / 173
Other applicable documents and software
To commission the VECTOPOWER, you need the following documents and software in addition to
this installation manual:
Description / filename
Project planning manual for the VECTOPOWER
The manual provides important information on
how to plan projects and set up an application
with the VECTOPOWER.
VEConfig operating manual
The VECTOPOWER is commissioned and
parameterized with the VEConfig software.
This manual guides you through the initial
commissioning with the wizard in VEConfig.
VE operating manual
This operating manual guides you through the
process of optimizing the settings that were
made during initial commissioning with the
wizard in VEConfig. The operating manual also
contains troubleshooting information.
VEConfig software
Software for initial commissioning and
parameterization of the VECTOPOWER.
Data sheets, manuals, and the like for the other
components in your individual application
Characteristics such as the maximum speed of
the motor
Optional: Parameter set
If an individual parameter set has been
created for your application at ARADEX AG,
you will need this as a VECSG file for
Table 2: Additionally required documents and software
Link for downloading VEConfig from the ARADEX homepage, including operating manuals
Conventions in this manual
Abbreviations and terms
The terms "VECTOPOWER" and "device" refer to a VECTOPOWER VP5000-DC/DC of the types and
article numbers listed above.
The terms "system", "application", and "components" refer to the application in which the
VECTOPOWER is integrated.
The firmware "VECTONUM Embedded" is abbreviated as "VE" in this manual.
The software "VECTONUM Embedded Configuration" is abbreviated as "VEConfig".
The ground wire is indicated by this symbol .