Quality for Professionals
Semi-mounted implements may only be towed on public roads with an operating
Hydraulic implements must be folded in transport position.
Ensure that the stop tap is closed or the safety chains are hooked.
Also ensure than none of the safety splints were lost during operation.
Comply with the regulations of your country's legislation.
Only relieve the hydraulic hose at home by putting the tractor control unit into float
position. The holder for the warning signs (additional equipment) is mounted on the
bracket for the harrow array (see point 17 Accessories).
When driving on roads after field operation, the harrow arrays should be cleaned of
harrowing residues (soil, grass, etc...).
Operating manual for the grassland harrow
Mounting on the tractor
Under difficult operating conditions, additional wheel weights can be useful. Please
also refer to the operating manual from the tractor manufacturer.
The tractor should be equipped with sufficient ballast weight at the front to ensure the
steering and braking capacity. At least 20 % of the empty vehicle weight is required on
the front axle.
The lifting links must be adjusted to the same height on the left and on the right. The
implement must be mounted on the 3-point linkage of the tractor.
Mount the top link so that it slants down towards the tractor during operation. (Observe
the specifications from the tractor manufacturer.)
Adjust the side rods so that the implement can swing freely on the field, but is fixed
when the implement is lifted.
Safe parking
To ensure safe parking of the
implement, fold both parking supports
down as shown in Fig.: 1. On the
GS 600 M1, you also have to fold down
the third parking support (rear). On the
GS 300, either position the levelling
plate further down or, if a pneumatic
seeder is mounted, you can also use the
third parking support.
With hydraulic folding, you must hook the safety chain onto the side wings and also
lock the 2/2-way ball valve, which is located on the folding cylinder. Then the pressure
in the hydraulic hoses to the tractor must be relieved.