Quality for Professionals
Weight calculations
1. Calculation of the minimum front ballast for rear-mounted implements G
V min
This result is entered in the table on the next page.
2. Calculation of the minimum rear ballast for front-mounted implements G
H min
This result is also entered in the table.
3. Calculation of the actual front axle load T
v tat
If the required minimum front ballast (G
V min
) is not reached with the front-mounted implement (G
the weight of the front-mounted implement must be increased to the weight of the minimum front
Now enter the calculated actual front axle load and the permissible front axle load
specified in the tractor operating manual in the table.
4. Calculation of the actual total weight G
If the required minimum rear ballast (GH) is not reached with the rear-mounted implement (GH
min), the weight of the rear-mounted implement must be increased to the weight of the minimum
rear ballast!
Now enter the calculated total weight and the permissible total weight specified in the tractor
operating manual in the table.
5. Calculation of the actual rear axle load T
H tat
Now enter the calculated actual rear axle load and the permissible rear axle load specified in the
tractor operating manual in the table.
6. Tyre load capacity:
Enter the doubled value (two tyres) for the permissible tyre load capacity (see e.g. tyre
manufacturer documents) in the table.