Quality for Professionals
To scatter molehills effectively, front
scraping plates are offered (for an
additional charge). The mounting position
of these front scraping plates is shown in
Fig.: 3. Stop bars are inserted in the joints
of the side wings (see Fig.: 4). On hilly
terrain, these can be removed to achieve
better ground adaptation. The stop bars
can be stowed in the accessories roll.
Repositioning of the stop bars is only
possible in transport position.
Driving in
curves is not permitted. If
it should be necessary
after all, these curves
must be driven in a very
large radius.
Levelling plate (optional)
The levelling plate (optional) eliminates molehills after the
winter and serve to roughly level the grassland. The height
should be adjusted so that it runs along the sward just
above the ground. It should not scratch into the sod.
To adjust the levelling plate, the pins must first be
removed. If you have the GS 600 M1, then you can adjust
the two outer wings by hand. To be able to adjust the larger
centre array, it is better to remove the pins and to adjust
the height of the levelling plate with the tractor hydraulic
system. When the desired working height is reached, the
plate is fastened again with the pin and linch pin.
The design of the levelling plate on the GS 300 M1 is the
same as the centre array of the GS 600 M1.
Stop bars