The Thermostats status page displays
information for all of the thermostats in
the system . The Heat and Cool columns
show the current heat and cool set points,
which come from either the current event
of the schedule or a hold if there is an
active hold . The Temp column shows
the room temperature value for each
thermostat . The Mode column indicates
what mode of control the thermostat is set
to . The Fan column indicates if the fan is
active . The Schedule column indicates what
schedule the thermostat is assigned to and
the Program column indicates if the schedule
is active or if there is an Active Hold at the
thermostat . The Alarm column will indicate
if there are any active alarms for the
thermostat .
The Humidistats status page displays
information for all of the thermostats in the
system . The Humidification Setpoint and
Dehumidification Setpoint columns
show the current humidification and
dehumidification set points . The
Humidity column shows the controlling
humidity value for each humidistat . The
Mode column indicates what mode of
control the humidistat is set to . The Alarm
column will indicate if there are any active
alarms for the humidistat .