Alarms can be viewed using the Logging page .
On the Logging page, alarms can be viewed
either by the most recent or from a selected
date . The possible alarms are:
• Temperature/Humidity above limit
• Temperature/Humidity below limit
• Sensor above limit
• Sensor below limit
• Communication timeout
• Filter change
• Water panel change
• Service HVAC
• Service dehumidifier
• Power restored
• Communication lost/restored
• Vacation Hold ended
• Date not set
• Manufacturer initialization occurred
• EEPROM Failed (nonvolatile memory)
If e-mail is set-up on the options page,
alarms will be e-mailed out as they occur .
To set up e-mail enter the Username and
Password for the account that alerts will
be sent from in the Email Account and
Username fields . The Primary, Secondary
and Tertiary Email contacts are the Email
addresses of where the e-mail alerts will be
sent . To determine the proper Email Server
Name, Primary DNS IP Address, Secondary
DNS IP Address and Port please consult
an IT professional or your internet service
provider .