The Name field is used to identify the thermostat or humidistat on the rest of the System Controller pages . The Name field can be up to 20
characters and any combination of letters, numbers and spaces . The Name field does not allow symbols . If the thermostat being configured is a
Model 8800, the thermostat name will be displayed in the message center on the thermostat .
The Heating Unit field is used to assign a heating unit to the thermostat . Only HVAC units where the Controls Heat/Humid field was set to Yes
will be displayed as options for this field . If no heating unit is assigned the thermostat mode cannot later be set to Heat, Emergency Heat, or
Auto .
The Cooling Unit field is used to assign a cooling unit to the thermostat . Only HVAC units where the Controls Cool/Dhmd field was set to Yes will
be displayed as options for this field . If no cooling unit is assigned the thermostat mode cannot later be set to Cool or Auto .
The Mode Lock field can be set to Full or Off . If the Mode Lock Field is set to Full, changes to the Mode setting will not be allowed to be made
at the thermostat . If the Mode Lock field is set to Off, changes to the Mode setting will be allowed to be made at the thermostat .
The Fan Lock field (thermostat only), can be set to Full, Timed, or Off . If the Fan Lock field is set to Full, changes to the fan setting will not be
allowed to be made at the thermostat . If the Fan Lock field is set to Timed, changes to the Fan setting are allowed at the thermostat, but will
revert back to the previous setting after the time set by the Minutes field . If the Fan Lock field is set to Off, changes to the Fan setting will be
allowed to be made at the thermostat .
The Setpoint Lock field can be set to Full, Timed, Timed Range, Range, or Off . If the Setpoint Lock field is set to Full, no changes to the setpoint
are allowed at the thermostat . If the Setpoint Lock field is set to Timed Range, or Range, changes to the setpoint at the thermostat are limited by
the Setpoint Limit field . If the Setpoint Lock field is set to Timed or Timed Range, changes to the setpoints are allowed at the thermostat, but will
revert back to the previous setting after the time set by the Minutes field . If the Setpoint Lock field is set to Off, changes to the setpoints will be
allowed at the thermostat .
For Thermostats the Filter Change Reminder and Service HVAC Reminder can be used to set the service reminders for the Model 8800 thermostat .
For Humidistats the Water Panel Change Reminder and Service Dehumidifier Reminder can be used to set the service reminders for the Model
8800 thermostat .