Lucey Deluxe Installation
Before assembling your machine, answer these questions:
Where will the machine be located, and how will it be oriented in the room?
It is important before you move the shipping boxes into your sewing room to identify where your longarm will be
placed. Consider where you want the “needle side” of your machine placed in relation to your space. When
facing the “needle side” of the machine, the
or right side of the table can rest next to a wall giving you more
space on the opposite side.
Before bringing in the long roller/rail boxes (shipping boxes 1 & 2), these boxes are heavy and it is easiest to open
the boxes and move the rollers and rails separately (see page 10). The three rollers with canvas are labeled on the
right side of the roller, the left side of each roller has a threaded end. The roller with no canvas is the Leveler Bar
and is not labeled; be sure the threaded end of this bar is brought into your sewing space with the threaded end
going toward the left of your “needle side” of the table.
Be aware of your chosen orientation and which way the rollers need to be carried into your sewing space (you
may need to flip the rollers around in your room if they were brought in incorrectly and if you don’t have room to
flip them, you may need to take them to a space where they can be flipped around).
Freehand (needle) side
Top View
Pick-Up Roller
Leveler Bar
(no label)
Quilt Top Roller
Backing Roller
Rollers are labeled on the
right side of each canvas.
These labels need to be
placed to the right of the
“needle side” of the
The threaded end of each roller
is placed to the left side of your
table. The Leveler Bar does not
have canvas and is not labeled.
The carriage rails are also directional in that the flat side of
both rails should face each other when bringing them into
your sewing space. In other words, the C shape of the rails
should face outward.