Lucey Deluxe Installation
Adjust the Front Axle Cam Nuts
If the cam nut is too difficult to turn, use a 7/16” wrench to loosen the bolt’s
head (underneath the wheel). Turn the cam nut to the medium grip setting and hold it in place with a 9/16”
wrench while you tighten the bolt head with the 7/16” wrench.
Once you have installed the machine head on the carriage, you can fine-tune the carriage movement by adjusting
these cams slightly tighter or looser. The cam reference marks should point the same way for each cam.
Once the front axle mounting bolts are tight, use a 9/16” box or
open-end wrench to adjust both the left and right cam nuts so the
reference marks are set at the “medium grip” setting as showin in
Step 3 in the previous section (not as loose as possible nor as tight
as possible).
Tighten the axle mounting bolts
with a 7/16” wrench.
Make sure that the bottom bolt is
tight after adjusting the cams.