Working Standard
User’s Guide
5.3 Remote Communication
Device control, results readout and measured values collection remotely is performed using device
commands compatible with SCPI standard (Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments).
Main rules of SCPI standard:
parentheses { } restrict parameter in the command strain
parentheses [ ] restrict optional parameters or parts of commands
parentheses < > restrict parameter, which is due to be replaced by the value
perpendicular line ( | ) separate options, from which exactly one has to be chosen
character case in the command is optional (command SYST:VERS? is identical with sYsT:VeRs?)
You can use the USB interface as well as the RS232 interface to send the commands. Each command
must be ended with <CR><LF> resp. <EOL> (\r\n) signs (e.g.
<CR><LF> ), otherwise the device
does not respond! The default port setting values are following: BaudRate
– 57600, DataBit – 8, Parity
– None, StopBit – 1. For sending the SCPI commands you can use the AP Terminal utility, which you
can find in the Servicer subdirectory of your WS installation.(called Terminal.exe), see figure below.
Terminal utility
5.3.1 Commands Description
Request for the device identification string.
Device reset.