Working Standard
User’s Guide
SYST:ENER:ALG {<algorithm>}
Setting of the method of summing energy. Parameter can be 0 = 4Quadrant, 1 = Algo1 (Net Result), 2
= Algo2 (Positive Aggregate), 3 = Algo3 (Both Sum), 4 = Algo4 (Anti-fraud).
Request for the setting of energy direction during summing energy. Only for Algorithm different from
4Quadrant (see
command). Possible answers are 0 = Import, 1 = Export.
SYST:ENER:SENS {<sense>}
Setting of the energy direction during summing energy. Only for Algorithm different from 4Quadrant
command). Parameter can be 0 = Import, 1 = Export.
Request for the setting of the multiplication constant on the device impulse output. Reply is real number
the value of the set multiplication constant (e.g. “+2.02”). The unit of this constant is 1/Ws
or 1/VAs .
SYST:ENER:IMP {<factor>}
Setting of the multiplication constant of the device impulse output which generates the impulse signal
proportional to the measured energy. Parameter <factor> is the multiplication constant of the impulse
output in the unit of 1/Ws or 1/VAs.
Request for the setting of the multiplication constant on the device’s impulse output. Reply is real
number with the value of the set multiplication constant (e.g. “+2.02”). The unit of this
constant is 1/kWh or 1/kVAh.
SYST:ENER:IMP:K {<factor>}
Setting of the multiplication constant of the device’s impulse output which generates the impulse signal
proportional to the measured energy. Parameter <factor> is the multiplication constant of the impulse
output in the unit of 1/kWh or 1/kVAh.
Request for the state of the device impulse output. Reply is number:
0 … state is OFF
1 … state is ACTIVE POWER
2 … state is REACTIVE POWER
3 … state is FIXED
4 … state is APPARENT POWER
Setting of the device impulse output state. Parameter is state code (0 to 4 listed in previous command)
or state name.
Request for the constant frequency value (which is generated if the impulse output is in the state
FIXED). Reply is the text string containing a real number with the value of this frequency (e.g.
“+1.03”). This value is in a Hz unit.
Setting of the constant frequency value (which is generated if the impulse output is in the state FIXED).
Parameter <freq> is the frequency value in Hz unit.