Rev. A, 6/15
Step 10:
When the programming window opens, the register values should automati
cally populate (if not, click the “Receive All” button at the bottom of the window). To
change a single parameter, simply click on the value you wish to change, enter the
desired value, then click the adjacent “Send” button to write the new value to the MND.
Step 11:
To change multiple parameters, individually click on the values
you wish to change, enter the desired values, then click the “Send All”
button at the bottom of the window to write all the values to the MND.
After clicking “Send” or “Send All”,
a green window indicates good
communication and the value was
successfully written to the MND.
A yellow window indicates the value was
not written due to either a communication
failure or the value exceeds the allowable
limits for that parameter.