User Manual
T&A Status Setting
Click the [T&A Status setting] option, and the [T&A status setting] window pops up:
Click the state which is going to be modified. Input the status description.
[Upload to the selected terminal]: Upload the T&A status from the selected terminal.
Timing Downloading Record
Click the [Timing Downloading Record]. The [Timing Downloading Record] window
pops up:
Enable this function by choosing the [Run Timing Download Record]. You can set 5
time point.
Please use the button [ ] to set a time. And then click the button [Add] to add the
time to the [Downloading Time].
Click the button [OK] to save the setting.
Management PW Setting
Click the [Management PW Setting]. The [Modify management password] window
pops up:
[Old password]: Default password is empty.
If user has modified password, please input this password which is used to log on
system. If it‘s wrong, system will prompt,