User Manual
The timetable Deletion
Select the timetable you want to delete, click [Delete], and click [OK] to make sure.
Begin Clock-in Time and End Clock-in Time makes the valid time range for
Clock in. Clock in out of this time range will be treated as invalid records. It is the
same with Clock-out time. Please setup in accordance with practical situations.
——Add a timetable:
Complete process for adding four timetables:
Day shift 08:00 - 17:00 Morning shift 04:00 - 12:00
Noon shift 12:00 - 20:00 Night shift 20:00 - 04:00
(Other information can be setup according to practical situations. Please note there
should be no blank left.)
Shift Maintenance
Click [Shift Maintenance] and the following window pops up:
Add a shift:
Click [Append] and enter corresponding shit information in [Shift Name] such as:
normal shift [Cycle] (1), [Cycle Unit] (week), and click [Add], select the timetables
and time range required in this shift in the springing window (see the Pic below)
For instance, select the timetable
– Day shift and select from Monday to Friday and
then click [OK], back to this window and click [Save] to complete. (Please refer to
the example for details.).
Delete the timetable: Select the timetable you want to delete and click [Delete].