User Manual
Click the button [OK] to confirm or click the button [Cancel] to cancel.
Following information shows on the main interface:
Ring Settings
Set the ring time. Please enable the Ring function in the parameter settings first of
Click the button [Ring settings].
[Set ring time] window pops up as follows:
Input the ring time and then clic
k the button [+ Add)] to add the ring time to the ―Ring
time list‖.
You can also click the button [-
Delete] to delete the ring time from the ―Ring time
Click the button [OK] to save the settings. Following operation information displays
in the main interface:
Auto Update the T&A Status
Automatic switchover status for attendance device.
[2011-08-25 13:57:32]Setting ring time...
[2011-08-25 13:57:33]1[Head office]Set the ring time successfully!
[2009-03-18 15:14:15]
[ [2011-08-25 15:14:16]1[Head office]Clear time attendance records successfully