Thermal filter
The TILO has 10 different thermal filters which can be selected one after the other by pressing
the button 2 for a long time. The thermal filters have different functions for different situations.
White Hot
In this classic black-and-white filter, which is
militarily preferred, the strongest heat sources
are displayed brightest, so humans and
animals are easily recognizable under normal
circumstances. However, they can also be
placed in the background in comparison to
even brighter heat sources (e.g. fires).
Black Hot
In comparison to the White Hot Filter the heat
sources are shown in black. The thermal image
thus looks much more natural. Since a much lar-
ger area of the image is displayed in brighter
gray shades, the glare effect is more pronoun-
ced at night.
Red Hot
This filter is practically the same as the White
Hot Filter except that instead of white, red is
used as the brightest color. It is a tactical filter
for use at night. The human eye has 2 varieties
of visual cells.
1. The cones, which are responsible for seeing
with sufficient brightness and for distingnis-
hing colors. They are sensitive to red light.
2. The rods, which are very light-sensitive but
cannot distinguish colors and are intensive to
the red light.
With the red light of this filter, only the cones
are dazzled, which, however, can not be used
in twilight anyway.