4G PoE IIoT Gateway
Multiple VAPs
VAP (Virtual Access Point) is function to
partition wireless network into multiple
broadcast domains. It can simulate
multiple APs in one physical AP. This
wireless gateway supports up to 8 VAPs.
For each VAP, you need to setup SSID,
authentication and encryption to control
Wi-Fi client access.
Besides, there is a VAP isolation option to
manage the access among VAPs. You can
allow or blocks communication for the
wireless clients connected to different
VAPs. As shown in the diagram, the
clients in VAP-1 and VAP-2 can
communicate to each other when VAP
Isolation is disabled.
Wi-Fi Security – Authentication & Encryption
Wi-Fi security provides complete
authentication and encryption
mechanisms to enhance the data security
while your data is transferred wirelessly
over the air. The wireless gateway
supports Shared, WPA-PSK / WPA2-PSK
and WPA / WPA2 authentication. You can
select one authentication scheme to
validate the wireless clients while they
are connecting to the AP. As to the data
encryption, the gateway supports WEP,
TKIP and AES. The selected encryption
algorithm will be applied to the data
while the wireless connection is