4G PoE IIoT Gateway
By Specific Weight
When you select "By Specific Weight", you need to
set up ratio of WAN-1/WAN-2 to decide sessions
sent ratio. Total ratio should be 100%. Ratio is
usually defined based on practical WAN speed of
environment. Gateway's traffic control process will
operate routing adequately based on the
dedicated weights ratio on all WAN interfaces.
By User Policy
If "By User Policy" load balance strategy is
selected, it can allow you to mapping Source IP,
Destination IP, or Destination Port to assigned
WAN interfece. This IP address is not only a single
IP but also a subnet or IP range. Destination port
can be a single port or port range. You can select
one target for one mapping to setup IP address
and leave others just left as “any”/ ”All”. Besides
this, you can also set protocol as TCP, UDP or
Diagrams shown on left side are examples user
policy. The first diagram illustrates example for
mapping various source IP subnets to different
WAN interface. All packets from different subnet
will be routed to the assigned WAN interfece.
Administrator can manage and balance the
loading among available WAN interfaces
The second diagram illustrates another example
for routing packets with designated destination IP
or domain name to a certain WAN interface.
If packets no belong to user policy rule, the
gateway just routes those packets based on
smart weight algorithm.