4G PoE IIoT Gateway
2.2.3 DHCP Server
DHCP Server
The gateway supports up to 4 DHCP servers to fulfill the DHCP requests from different VLAN groups (please
refer to VLAN section for getting more usage details). And there is one default setting for whose LAN IP
Address is the same one of gateway LAN interface, with its default Subnet Mask setting as “”,
and its default IP Pool ranges is from “.100” to “.200” as shown at the DHCP Server List page on gateway’s
User can add more DHCP server configurations by clicking on the “Add” button behind “DHCP Server List”, or
clicking on the “Edit” button at the end of each DHCP Server on list to edit its current settings. Besides, user
can select a DHCP Server and delete it by clicking on the “Select” check-box and the “Delete” button.