4G PoE IIoT Gateway
Static IP WAN Type Configuration
Value setting
WAN IP Address
A Must filled setting
Enter the WAN IP address given by your Service Provider
WAN Subnet Mask
A Must filled setting
Enter the WAN subnet mask given by your Service Provider
WAN Gateway
A Must filled setting
Enter the WAN gateway IP address given by your Service Provider
Primary DNS
A Must filled setting
Enter the primary WAN DNS IP address given by your Service Provider
Secondary DNS
An optional setting
Enter the secondary WAN DNS IP address given by your Service Provider
When you select it, "PPPoE WAN Type Configuration" will appear. Items and setting is explained below
PPPoE WAN Type Configuration
Value setting
PPPoE Account
A Must filled setting
Enter the PPPoE User Name provided by your Service Provider.
PPPoE Password
A Must filled setting
Enter the PPPoE password provided by your Service Provider.
Primary DNS
An optional setting
Enter the IP address of Primary DNS server.
Secondary DNS
An optional setting
Enter the IP address of Secondary DNS server.
Service Name
An optional setting
Enter the service name if your ISP requires it
Assigned IP Address
An optional setting
Enter the IP address assigned by your Service Provider.