4G PoE IIoT Gateway
SIM-A/SIM-B only
: When “SIM-A Only” or “SIM-B Only” is used, the specified SIM slot card is the only one to
be used for negotiation parameters between gateway device and cellular ISP.
SIM-A / SIM-B first without enable Failback
By default, “SIM-A First” scenario is used to connect to cellular ISP for
data transfer. In the case of “SIM-A First” or “SIM-B First” scenario, the
gateway will try to connect to the Internet by using SIM-A or SIM-B card
first. And when the connection is broken, the gateway will switch to use
the other SIM card for an alternate automatically and
will not switch back
to use original SIM card except current SIM connection is also broken.
That is, SIM-A and SIM-B are used iteratively, but either one will keep
being used for data transfer when current connection is still alive.
SIM-A / SIM-B first with Failback enable
With Failback option enabled, “SIM-A First” scenario is
used to connect when the connection is broken, gateway
system will switch to use SIM-B. And when SIM-A
connection is recovered, it will switch back to use original
SIM-A card