AMI Analyzer Manual
Model 210BR Oxygen Analyzer
Oxygen sensor:
AMI manufactures its own electrochemical sensor. It measures the concentration of oxygen in a gas stream,
using an oxygen specific chemistry. It generates an output current in proportion to the amount of oxygen
present, and has zero output in the absence of oxygen, thus avoiding any requirement to zero the analyzer.
The cell is linear throughout its range. The span calibration may be performed using standard span gases or
ambient air. Unlike competitive sensors, the AMI sensor is made using a high capacity metallic body that
provides long life with about twice the active ingredients usually used.
Sensor Warranty:
The sensor is warranted to operate for a period determined by its class. If the sensor ceases to operate
correctly before this time has elapsed, contact AMI for a return authorization for evaluation. If there is any
evidence of defective material or workmanship the sensor will be replaced free of charge.
NOTE: Any evidence of abuse or physical damage, such as a torn membrane, will void the warranty.
Instrument Warranty:
Any failure of material or workmanship will be repaired free of charge for a period of two years from the
original purchase (shipping date) of the instrument. AMI will also pay for one way shipment (back to the
This warranty does not cover the sensor, which is covered by its own warranty (see above).
Any indication of abuse or tampering will void the warranty.
Receiving the analyzer
When you receive the instrument, check the package for evidence of damage and if any is found, contact
the shipper.