AMI Analyzer Manual
Installation Procedure
Power up analyzer.
When you do so, the LCD should light up in the right side enclosure, and you may see some LEDs flicker
inside the explosion-proof enclosure. This is normal diagnostic information.
15. If you are not using the advanced features, set up the alarms and the output range from the front
panel of the analyzer.
The controls all work in the same way – first press the button you want to do something to, so that the LCD
shows whatever it might be that you have pressed. Then if you want to change it, press the up or down
arrows until the number shown reaches what you want. Then let go the button, and after a couple of
seconds the LCD will go back to reading oxygen and the change will be stored.
First choose the output range. This is the oxygen range that the analog output and alarms respond to. For
example, if you use a range of 10% full scale, 5V or 20mA corresponds to 10%, and 1V or 4mA correspond to
zero. Use a range that gives you enough resolution to see normal behavior, but allows you to have
reasonable alarm set points.
Set the range by pressing the OUTPUT RANGE button, and then scroll the number on the screen with the UP
and DOWN arrows until it says what you want.
When you have set the output range, set the alarms. The alarm set point is shown as a ppm (or percentage)
value, but it is internally stored as a percentage of the output range you just chose. If you change the range,
the alarm set points will change along with it.
Note that this range has nothing to do with the measurement range of the analyzer. The analyzer LCD
automatically scales its reading from 0.01% to 25%; it’s only the analog output that gets scaled by the range,
not the measurement.
If you want to set up other alarm features, such as whether the alarms latch or open or close on alarm, you
have to use the laptop user interface program.
If you press the UP button by itself, i.e. outside of changing something, the LCD will show the “Span factor”,
a number that indicates how much amplification the oxygen signal needs. As the sensor ages this number is
set higher by each successful calibration until it reaches 1000, at which point you should really have already
replaced the sensor.
If you press the DOWN button by itself, the LCD will show the temperature of the cell block in degrees
16. Optional:
This section talks about using the laptop to make more advanced choices.