AMI Analyzer Manual
Installation Procedure
Figure 5. User interface initial screen
a. Connect the laptop, run the User Interface and verify all alarm, output and security
Note that you must have power on the analyzer before the laptop can find the communication port! Plug in
a standard USB cable (such as the kind often used to connect a PC to a printer) to the port in the middle of
the explosion proof enclosure’s shield. Select the comm port at the top of the screen, and click Open
COMM. The program will figure out how to communicate to the analyzer, and fill in all the boxes once it
b. Set the analyzer clock time, and click on “Clear Data Log”.
The analyzer stores its readings for about two weeks for you to look at subsequently. It may have some
readings stored from the check-out process, and these might confuse you when you subsequently view
them. Also, we set it up on PST, and your time zone may be different. So set the time, and clear the data. In
due course, click on the Download Data button to see the stored data.
c. Verify the output calibration.
You should only need to do this if you have changed the output selection, or if your flow computer or similar
monitoring device has an uncalibrated input.
i. Connect the analog output terminals to an appropriate measuring device – preferably the
flow computer or similar monitoring device you are going to be using with this analyzer.